Here are my top ten “get over anxiety” tips. Let me count you down!
10. Learn to relax
Physical relaxation is incredibly important for anxiety sufferers because anxiety “lives” in muscle tension. You should do ten to twenty minutes of relaxation everyday as part of a regular routine, and watching TV or reading don’t count. You should be practicing Progressive Muscle Relaxation or a similar tried and tested relaxation method.
9. Take regular exercise.
It’s a fact! Exercising regularly, and getting out of breath, raises your serotonin levels, and it is a great stress-buster. The best exercise is the exercise you do! There’s no point in forcing yourself to run if you hate it just because you think it’s good for you. You’ll just end up giving up. The key is to be active, enjoy it, and keep doing it. It’s great to improve breathing, relax muscles and improve sleep! Why not get a mental-health boost by going out into the countryside?
8. Cut out stimulants.
Cut out chocolate (OK, you can have a bit!), coffee and any other caffeine in your diet (even the caffeine in tea can have a negative effect on anxiety). It may be hard at first, but you will quickly get used to doing without. If you have a sweet tooth and are a chocoholic then it’s OK to substitute with other sweet snacks that don’t have caffeine (although it’s better to eat more healthily – see #7)
7. Keep your blood sugar levels stable.
Many people get anxiety, or at least worse anxiety symptoms, when their blood sugar levels are low. Eat complex carbohydrates and protein, and avoid sugar and processed foods (including refined wheat products) to keep your blood sugar and mood stable.
6. Try some soothing herbs
Some people really swear by herbs like Valerian, Passiflora and Chamomile and there might be some scientific basis in their anti-anxiety properties. You can drink them as tea or buy a tincture and see if they do anything for you.
5. Practise good breathing.
Lots of anxiety sufferers have Chronic Hyperventilation Syndrome, which can be corrected by regular breathing practice. Learning how to breathe properly can have a dramatic effect on anxiety!
4. Write down your thoughts.
Doing “Morning Pages” where you just let your thoughts flow onto the paper first thing in the morning (or whenever) is very cathartic and therapeutic. It helps with sleep, motivation, inspiration and relaxation. Just grab pen and paper, or a phone or computer, and start writing. Write whatever comes into your head. The only rule is this: don’t stop and think about it.
3. Relax your jaw
There’s something special about the jaw and how it related to how much anxiety we feel. It’s one of the parts of our body where we store tension. When you let your jaw hang low, your thoughts slow and your mind quietens. Practice it often.
2. Learn CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy).
CBT techniques are not the be all and end all of fighting anxiety (as some doctors believe), but they are useful to get you through anxiety symptoms and help with negative thought patterns.
1. Practise Mindfulness Meditation.
Mindfulness is a fantastic long term solution to anxiety because it quietens the mind. It’s best to buy a book or a CD, or go on a course. Like all the best things in life, it takes dedication and time to work, but you won’t regret it.
If you think I have missed something, please add it below as a comment!
Hi- If I can, I’d like to add prayer to the list of Anxiety Tips. There’s nothing more soothing than talking to the God of the universe about what ails you!