Let’s be clear from the start, The Lightning Process (official site here) is an expensive course. It blends various therapies, including Osteopathy, NLP and CBT, to create a technique that can be used on anything from anxiety to chronic fatigue. It also claims to be beneficial in other physical diseases as well.
The Lightning Process is a three day course and normally taught in groups. The Lightning Process is not a therapy but rather a technique you learn to apply to your life, or areas of your life where you are experiencing anxiety, panic and phobias.
The basis for the Lightning Process is that we have got into patterns of behaviour. These patterns have lead us to be anxious or phobic at a particular time, or when given certain cues. The concept is that you can effectively override these patterns of behaviour and choose how you want to feel. You do this through using posture, old memories and associations, and determination. Through this, and self-coaching, you can bring about a change in feeling.
Does it work for anxiety? Yes, it does! It doesn’t necessarily work instantly. It is a process you learn and continually apply. You might have to go through the process again and again to form new, more beneficial, habits. For example, if you are facing a difficult problem, with the Lightning Process you can learn to get yourself into a positive, calm state of mind. Do it enough times and you start to realise that the negative emotions you had before come less frequently and less potently.
Any downsides?
The course itself seemed rather long, and I did think it could have been compressed and therefore made cheaper. I’m sure many people would find the cost prohibitive.
What’s the take-home for Lightning Process and Anxiety?
It’s a great technique, and a breath of fresh air from all the many expensive therapies that don’t really work at all. If you can afford it, go for it!
I need some more information about lighting process and fees. Where its conducted. How fruitful is it honestly.