Let’s examine the link between Vitamin D and anxiety levels. Today the Scottish government issued guidelines on Vitamin D as people in that northern country lack sufficient levels through the winter months. Obviously people in other northern countries such as the USA and Canada, or anywhere with a gray winter might be at risk as well. The guidelines were aimed at cutting rates of cancer and multiple sclerosis (both linked to Vitamin D deficiency), but it got me thinking to how Vitamin D is also important for anxiety sufferers.
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Why Does vitamin D work for Anxiety?
Vitamin D carries out a number of important functions that affect neurotransmitters in the brain. Serotonin, a neurotransmitter that is often lacking in people with anxiety and depression, is thought to be increased by Vitamin D, as possibly are other neurotransmitters such as Dopamine. Importantly Vitamin D is also used by the body in the uptake of calcium (read about calcium and anxiety here) and magnesium, both of which are essential nutrients for anxiety sufferers and potentially lacking from our diets. To get enough Vitamin D you should get fifteen minutes if sunlight every day (being careful not to get burnt). As long as you are careful and the sun is not too hot you should be safe. You can also find Vitamin D in oily fish (also good for anxiety) and often in milk (if it has been fortified). You could also consider supplementation. Dosage is hard to suggest and many experts are divided. Ranges of 400 IU to 50,000 IU have been recommended but normal healthy adults shouldn’t need anything like 50,000 IU and at any rate you shouldn’t go for more than 1000 IU without speaking to a doctor as Vitamin D toxicity is a problem. How much is too much? This post on Vitamin D Overdose is quite interesting. You can buy good quality Vitamin D online.