The Power of the Subconscious – Anxiety

Hi! Just a quick post because I came across something that might be useful for anxiety. The other day I was browsing in a bookshop and I came across a book called The Power of Your Subconscious Mind: One of the Most Powerful Self-help Guides Ever Written! by Joseph Murphy. Like many self-help books it promises the world, almost literally. It is not specifically aimed at anxiety sufferers, more at people who are unfulfilled and unhappy. I was intrigued, as I am interested in how we manifest our life and how what we believe and what we are conscious of effects our reality. And also of how what we are unconscious of is reflected on those around us.  I have heard it said that we can achieve what we want by focusing on it.

I didn’t buy this book, because I have kind of vowed never to buy another self-help book again. If they are worth their salt they are probably available in the library anyway.

As luck would have it, I googled around the idea of the power of the subconscious and found a site where, presumably legally, they are giving away the same Joseph Murphy book as a free download. The site is, and you do need to register before they email it to you. But still, it’s probably worth it if you want to save some cash – and as i say, it’s presumably a legal download.

Is this book any good for people with anxiety and phobias? Well, I must admit that I haven’t read it yet…but getting more of what those people who “seem to have it all” get is probably a good thing. And maybe the book will work for that!

Anyway, it’s free!

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